< 一般社団法人 日本アート教育振興会(JEARA)の活動理念 >

人にとって、“何かを創り出す” という行為は、生きていく上でとても自然な事です。

皆が、“創造する事” “成長する事” を心の底から楽しめる環境作りをしています。




< Philosophy of Japan education of Art association >

Creativity fosters human mind and sensibility and enriches life.

For a person, the act of creating something is very natural in life.
We want to convey to you the joy and practical know-how that our artists and professionals have gained from actual experience.

We are creating an environment where people can enjoy the creation and growth of their hearts.
We are working to create a world in which all people enjoy creating and are able to live with a rich heart.

JEARA official home page